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Energy and Transport Industries

Facilities Management

No facility or business wants to run the risk of a total power blackout. If the primary power source falters, you need to be sure your backup can handle the load.

Power Solutions To Keep Your Business Running

Maintaining buildings and equipment in keeping businesses operational requires a continuous power supply. We will design and engineer the best standby power solution for your business, small or large. To stay competitive, you need to remain operational. Can you afford a power outage? Restore power in seconds with a Cat standby generator. Standardised genset packages can save you money. Modular designs allow you to grow with your power needs. Genset packages with a smaller footprint give you greater options. Provide permanent protection to your business and keep operational: computers, lights, air conditioners and servers stay on.

Terra Power Systems

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Customer Stories

Continuous Reliable Electric Power for PAK'nSAVE Papanui

Did you know the newly-opened PAK’nSAVE Papanui is designed to be energy efficient and able to trade continuously for three days in the event of an emergency or natural disaster?

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Southeys Group

Cat Assists Steps to Sustainability with Hydro Services

As the Southeys Group continues working to reduce its hydro excavator fleet’s carbon emissions, noise levels and water use, Cat Industrial Engines are there in support.

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On The Ground Magazine

Issue 9 Summer 2023-2024

The Summer 2023–2024 edition of our On The Ground magazine brings you Chris Heaton's first CEO Report, and we trace his remarkable journey from apprentice to CEO of Terra Cat, and read about how rental power delivers for Birchfield Coal.

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Customer Stories

Sustainable Power Solutions at Ruakuri Caves

The facilities of Ruakuri Caves are powered by a Caterpillar Microgrid technology system, using a solar-powered battery system with diesel backup. This off-grid solution powers the ticket and tour office, cave lighting, and a nearby water pump for farm irrigation.

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Customer Stories

Powering St George's Hospital

Find out about the partnership between Terra Cat and St George’s Hospital in Christchurch, and how Terra Power Systems supports them.

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On The Ground Magazine

Issue 3 Winter 2021

In this edition of On the Ground magazine we cover an award we received from NZ Defense for an amphibious vehicle, make the most of new digital tools, and introduce rental power.

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